As I organize older pictures of Asher, I am filled with gratitude as I am reliving the milestones captured while in the NICU. From our family and friends to the hospital staff and volunteers, it truly does take a village. Often we were told “if we needed anything to let us know.” and  at times it wasn’t until  we received an act of kindness that we’d realize we needed those things. Which brought me to this post, here are just a few things that helped bring sunshine to our days while in the NICU that we didn’t think to ask for: 

  • Prayer We lots received prayers and inspirational messages. The power of prayer is real and it helped us in those moments when we couldn’t find the words.
  • Baby Books We enjoyed taking turns reading different baby books to Asher and continued this when he came home.
  • Snacks and Meals– Although vending machines have received massive upgrades, having some of our favorite quick snacks and home cooked meals definitely helped in ways you cannot imagine.
  • JournalsThis was one of our favorite gifts. We wrote letters to Asher and documented different experiences that we can now share with him when he is older.
  • Coloring and activity books (for Mama and Daddy) – It was nice to put our phones down and get lost in a word search or even a coloring page.
  • Milestone cardsI came across these on amazon. They are  for each of the different milestones experienced in the NICU. The cards were sweet reminders to celebrate each of them ,from his first blow out to moving to an open crib.
  • Old fashion phone calls – Phone calls would remind us it’s okay to step away from the bed for a second and gather ourselves. Whether it was for a random joke or a listening ear for us to unload on. Walking away from the sound of monitors and hear a familiar friendly voice was needed.
  • Travel essentials – We lived there (literally) so little things like travel size toothbrush and hygiene products were nice. We tried to pack light, so travel size was perfect.
  • Preemie clothes – Since we didn’t expect our little nugget to come early, preemie essentials weren’t a thing. Once we could put clothes on him, dressing him became one of the many joys of the day.
  • Crib Mobiles and accessories  Once Asher moved to an open crib we were able to place a mobile above his bed and a fish tank that lit t up and had soothing sounds. He really enjoyed it.
  • BlanketsThe volunteers actually made a lot of Asher’s first blankets that we still use today. There are so sweet and personal.

The outpour of love and support my family received during this time leaves an imprint we will forever cherish. We truly are better together. 

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