I was born premature; what’s your superpower?


Three years on this journey of watching this little one grow. While there are many milestones we’ve celebrated, from the NICU to coming home, the title premature still lingers. I often wonder, when does a premature baby stop being labeled a premature child? However, there are things that we have to monitor a little closer, but there are so many things that he does that come from being a toddler that has nothing to do with his early arrival, it’s just things you can expect from a toddler. 

The checklist is where it all starts for us. For example, Is he eating, walking, running, playing, and if not, there comes the head-tilt “well, he was premature, so I’m sure eventually it’ll happen.” For all the myths I say, sometimes a kid is just being a kid. 


We’ve made it a mission not to let the term premature define nor limit Asher. He is a thriving 3-year-old toddler who loves playing outside, reading, counting to 100, and using anything in sight to make letters of the alphabet. 


So, wherever you might be on your journey, don’t let a title define you or your child. If anything,

let your little one define their titles by the obstacles they overcome.

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