TAKE 1, 2 & 3!

This is a whole thing. We have taken a few breaks since this rollercoaster started, and I will be honest, it was more mommy who needed the break. I’ve watched a million potty training videos. I got the potty, underwear, a few books, and stickers, but I didn’t consider that mommy has to be just as ready as the child. I now see how I got more frustrated because I was pushing harder than he was ready for. I assumed that the potty part would be a breeze since he got the concept but sadly that wasn’t the case.

A few of my potty do’s and do-nots.

  • Location is critical. I moved the potty around for convince so I could multitask (talk about toddler confusion)
  • Training underwear is excellent for soaking, but it didn’t give the full wet feeling I felt he needed to understand what was taking place. So I used regular underwear and also went through a complete commando phase, which worked briefly
  • He used the little potty, but he actually went a lot more once I got a urinal. Those things are the cutest.

A clickable link for Foryee Cute Frog Potty

  • When boredom strikes, he will count or sing a song to help pass the time while waiting. 
  • Rewards are great; however, when he would pour his urine into the big potty and do a little dance was a celebration moment he loved. 
  • Using the iPad helped, but I noticed he would sit on the potty just to get the iPad and hardly ever go. 

After more than a few attempts, I feel confident about the progress we are making. We are waking up dry and having more minor accidents throughout the day. I’m learning his body will let me know when it’s ready; rushing will only leave a big mess to clean up and drag out the process. 

Also, remember as you celebrate the little ones, celebrate yourself. Potty training is a full-time job! 

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