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THE SON - Keyes To Sonshine - Page 3


We are currently in the full-blown toddler phase, which feels like a never-ending rollercoaster. It continues to bring out so many different emotions in me. I have been awakened at times and found myself asking my son, “whose child is this?” He goes from...

Celebrating the Small Bites

We have been very blessed with meeting a lot of developmental milestones with Asher being born at 26 weeks. However, there are a few things we are working on that aren’t tied to him being premature. For example, him being just being a toddler and FEEDING! I’ve found...

Confession of a SAHM

When asked what I do all day, I just point to this little human running around. I often want to follow up this response with if you really want to know lets ask my witnesses:  The dirty dishes – They’ll share I keep my family fed and manage to get creative with...

Things we didn’t know we needed

As I organize older pictures of Asher, I am filled with gratitude as I am reliving the milestones captured while in the NICU. From our family and friends to the hospital staff and volunteers, it truly does take a village. Often we were told “if we needed anything to...

2 years ago today…

2 years ago today, was one of the happiest moments in my life. It was the day my SONshine came home. He pulled his monitors off 𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪  and we turned the page on another chapter. As I reflect and look back on the pictures all the emotions resurface. He has changed...

Donors Milk = Mommy Guilt

As a woman our body was created for all of these things and I wanted to experience them. One of the things I said from the beginning was that I wanted to breastfeed. Not only because of the nutrients but also for the bonding experience. The first few days my milk...