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THE SON - Keyes To Sonshine - Page 2

The Tantrums at Three

I’ve always heard about the terrible twos, so the new set of emotions during that year I just threw it in that pile, and if this is the challenging stage, we are getting off pretty easy. Well, then there came three. WHERE WAS THE WARNING SIGN FOR THAT?! I love...

Puzzle Pieces

As Asher gets older the age suggestion on toys means less. At this point, I trust my instincts more than that 3+ sign on a toy. Partially because with his imagination he can play with a toy intended for a baby for hours and ones that are for his age range and older he...

Routine VS Consistency

  Creating a routine as an adult is already a struggle, so trying to get Asher on a routine adds another layer. My routine has to start before his, or I end up trying to be superwoman and doing it at the same time. The thought is nice in theory, but to execute...


I was born premature; what’s your superpower?   Three years on this journey of watching this little one grow. While there are many milestones we’ve celebrated, from the NICU to coming home, the title premature still lingers. I often wonder, when does...

The Playground

The park is one of the best free compromises that Asher and I enjoy. He gets to play, and mommy gets to walk. When we are feeling really adventurous, we venture outside of our neighborhood playground. Figuring out the lay of the new land, Asher hits the ground running...

Potty Training

TAKE 1, 2 & 3! This is a whole thing. We have taken a few breaks since this rollercoaster started, and I will be honest, it was more mommy who needed the break. I’ve watched a million potty training videos. I got the potty, underwear, a few books, and...