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Routine VS Consistency - Keyes To Sonshine


Creating a routine as an adult is already a struggle, so trying to get Asher on a routine adds another layer. My routine has to start before his, or I end up trying to be superwoman and doing it at the same time. The thought is nice in theory, but to execute and hold my composure šŸ˜³šŸ˜³Ā (let’s just say I’m learning my limits)Ā 

Kids truly do watch everything we do, so when we do things together I turn the joy up a notch to make the not so fun things a little more enjoyable.

Planning a week ahead has been a game-changer for me. Also, getting activity books Ā and crafts at the dollar store or finding printable online comes in handy. Ā  I love handmade things but sometimes for me to execute with less stress, I use things I don’t have to think hard about or even do much research.

Naptime I will be honest was the first thing we had down-packed, lol. I need a midday break to finish stronger later.Ā I don’t nap when he naps but I do allow myself time to sit and turn the ā€œmama brainā€ off! DO not feel guilty about not giving yourself to your house 24/7, it’s not healthy for you or your home.

The evenings are pretty free for us. Now that he’s a lot more independent I allow his imagination to roam. If I’m folding clothes and he’s doing something on the floor next to me, we are still spending time together. I am learning how to create our time and space. It’s not the actual routine, it’s the consistency and connection. I’m learning he just wants to know mama is near and I want him to know I’m always close but he can still explore.

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