by Shawna | Mar 31, 2022 | THE SON
Learning Tools have been trial and error. One place I love exploring for new tools is Dollar Tree. From creative crafts to easy practical books, $1.25 is easier to swallow if it doesn’t work out. We do have a fluid school routine. I try and spend at least 45...
by Shawna | Mar 6, 2022 | THE SON
I’ve always heard about the terrible twos, so the new set of emotions during that year I just threw it in that pile, and if this is the challenging stage, we are getting off pretty easy. Well, then there came three. WHERE WAS THE WARNING SIGN FOR THAT?! I love...
by Shawna | Feb 13, 2022 | FAITH
God is and always has been around. The question I often wonder is did I just choose to not acknowledge his presence before? My spiritual journey has been a walk, run, jog, and pause a time or two. As life continues to move forward I now see during the good, bad and...
by Shawna | Feb 11, 2022 | THE SON
As Asher gets older the age suggestion on toys means less. At this point, I trust my instincts more than that 3+ sign on a toy. Partially because with his imagination he can play with a toy intended for a baby for hours and ones that are for his age range and older he...
by Shawna | Feb 5, 2022 | THE SON
Creating a routine as an adult is already a struggle, so trying to get Asher on a routine adds another layer. My routine has to start before his, or I end up trying to be superwoman and doing it at the same time. The thought is nice in theory, but to execute...