“When I’m tempted to skip my morning routine or another form of self-care, I remind myself that I can better serve the people I love and the projects I care about when I start with me” – Courtney Carver
I think it goes without saying somedays its hard to find joy, especially with things like doing laundry and cleaning the bathroom. What I’m finding in this season is that joy can be found anywhere. Sometimes you just have to find ways to create it.
Here are a few things that have sprinkled a little joy during my not so exciting tasks:
- Waking up earlier than the rest of the house. It was hard at first to not feel deprived of sleep. Once I got into the rhythm I enjoyed tip toeing through the house to get time to pray, do my devotional, journal or just sit in silence.
- Listening to a podcast while I clean the bathroom. Before I know it I’m done cleaning and was able to empower my thoughts at the same time.
- Smelling the ingredients as I cook. Its something about the aroma of fresh herbs that brings a vibe to the kitchen while I prepare meals.
- The right cleaning products. I LOVE fall, recently I came across the perfect scent of fall in a bottle from Ms. Meyers (Acorn Spice) you’ll thank me later but when you spend majority of your day in the kitchen, you have to find a few sprinkles of joy in there.
- A good playlist. I try not to have the TV on all day but music is definitely played throughout my house. The right playlist will help create the right vibe. You are welcome to use mine until you find the right songs for you. My Spotify Playlist
- Lighting my favorite candle. Don’t wait until the right moment to light that candle, create the moment and enjoy the aroma
- Give yourself a facial or mani/ pedi. Create your own spa day at home.
- Make your favorite beverage and go sit outside.
- Keeping fresh flowers in the house.
- Don’t feel like cooking, order dinner from your favorite restaurant.
- Get dressed for your day. If you always have to get dolled up spend the day in your pj’s or if your always in your pj’s get dressed for yourself
- Spend time in your garden.
- Write down words of affirmation. Place them on your mirror, seeing those words will remind you of the person you are.
- I love planners. Taking time to plan my week out helps navigate through my day plus I enjoy putting cute stickers and quotes that I glance at throughout the day. Also as I get to cross things off my list it makes me feel accomplished.
Self care can sometimes feel selfish, but with all of the titles we carry its important to not keep putting yourself on the back burner. You will get burnt out that way. So, show up for self so that you can continue to show up and pour out into others.